Projects that we're busy with to put a dent in the universe.

Here are some of the exciting research projects we are working on. Each project is designed to enhance energy management and sustainability, involving collaborations with various industry partners.

  • Smart Asset Management with SANEDI

    Partnering with the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), we have developed, an online tool to empower small municipalities in South Africa to improve asset management. This initiative aims to alleviate financial difficulties faced by these municipalities by providing better tools for managing assets, which are crucial for accurate cost of supply studies and electricity tariff determinations.

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  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Training Initiative

    In collaboration with Bambili Energy, the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (DSI), and the Energy & Water Sector Education Training Authority (EWSETA), the University of Pretoria is leading a training program for TVET college graduates on hydrogen fuel cell systems, promoting skills development in this emerging sector.

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  • Eskom Demand Side Management

    This initiative focuses on developing strategies and technologies to manage and reduce electricity demand, particularly during peak usage times. Our goal is to increase energy efficiency and reduce overall electricity consumption within Eskom's supply structure, contributing to sustainability and stability in South Africa's power grid.

  • Advancing Distributed Solar PV Uptake with SANEDI

    This project investigates the potential uptake of rooftop solar PV in the residential and commercial sectors in South Africa. It focuses on the drivers behind the formation of virtual power plant platforms and examines the necessary legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks to support successful implementation and adoption.

  • Smart Microgrids with SANEDI

    Collaborating with SANEDI to develop smart microgrid solutions that enhance the resilience and sustainability of local energy networks. This project focuses on integrating renewable energy sources with advanced grid technologies to provide reliable, efficient, and clean energy.